dear tara....
i literally just got off the phone with you two seconds ago. i immediately opened my laptop to compose a little love letter to you, simply because i can't seem to tell you enough how much i adore you. you are the love of my life. at times i feel like i am the luckiest person in the world due to your constant care for me. you make me laugh like no one else. you also make me feel like i am the most important person in your life; which certainly i could never hold that title. however, your ability to make me feel that way is certainly recognized and valued. i'm determined that we knew each other up in heaven. we are soul mates. or maybe even sisters. all i know is that we go way back and will continue to have an infinite relationship. we'll always snack on salami, mommy's homemade granola and meals consisting of quinoa. we'll always reflect on fish bowl/dressing room #9 moments and memories. {trips to the poo closet, leticia, "gwant", hairspray, "why so serious?" and much much more.} we'll never stop laughing over phillip's mannerisms, zach's psycho-ness and rene's ability to trip over air. we have had quite the lifetime of laugher, bonding, jokes, hugs and life changing conversations. a simple conclusion? you have changed my life for the better. you will be at my wedding- that's a fact. you will be my kids favorite friend- that's a given. you will be the one i turn to advice no matter how many miles are between us. needless to say you will always be a part of my life. i love you more than you know. i'm blessed by our friendship and wouldn't trade it for the world. i'm so happy you are where you are. you inspire me to be smart, outgoing, non judgmental and most of all- you inspire me to be who i am. words can't begin to express how much i love you. i'm already looking forward to our next chitchat. infinite x's and o's.
love, me