Sunday, September 13, 2009

Right Now

Dedication and determination to succeed right now is my middle name. Aspiring my wildest dreams is finally beginning to become reality. Not knowing what I'll be doing with my life in eight months scares me half to death. I have always had direction to my life and a visible outcome of my future... until now. Curiosity, calories, California, choices, challenges, communication, and chocolate. Exploring possibilities while putting forth all my effort in finding the answer. My life revolves around dance right now. Seriously. It isn't a joke when I say "I spend all my time dancing". I never knew I was capable of being so busy. I love it. Being busy is a remedy for homesickness. In the seconds of free time I manage to squeeze in, I find myself trying to figure out the next step to life, while still trying to just "have fun". Currently... lots of Diet Coke, Tuesday emails, Joe and phone calls home are a necessity. I have recently discovered a friendship I never expected to... and am completely relived that we have the potential of being life long friends. Right Now: Trials make you stronger. Long distance love is rewarding yet takes work. Laughter fills my silence. "Violin". Desiring knowledge. Needless to say I love my busy life. Eating, sleeping and dancing gets repetitive, but it's the life I live and the life I love. However, "tomorrow" anything could change. I'm ready.


  1. I just came upon your blog! So cute! I hope all is going well. We really do need to get together next time your here!

  2. Elease! I love your life I am so glad that I can call you a friend. Your life sounds busy but so perfect for you! I love ya and hope Cali is treating you well.
