Friday, May 14, 2010

coming soon

dear blog....
it has been FOREVER.
so much has happened in the last two weeks.
sleeping beauty took all of my time
and energy away from me.
the move back home was exhausting
and i still feel as though i'm adjusting.
i have big news.
really big news.
but, its too exciting to spoil it in this little post.
so a "good" post will be created as soon as
time allows me to sit down and compose.
hang in there blog and friends.
i haven't forgotten you.
in fact, i have missed you dearly.


  1. hahaha . . . I love it because I have been waiting for emily to get the pictures back to me from your concert to blog about the most epic thing i've ever witnessed. I feel like it deserves a museum of a post . . .
