Sunday, February 14, 2010


As expected, words cannot describe the accurate feelings my heart so deeply protects. It is as though my feelings of love, friendship and emptiness were locked up five years ago on that devastating day. Five years ago? I simply can't believe it has been that long. As I reflect upon these last five years of my life, there is no shadow of a doubt that Madeline has been my little angel. She has lived through my experiences with me; each and every one of them. She has danced within my soul during each performance, laughed with me over funny boy drama, helped me conquer my fears and doubts, shared tears of joy and sadness, influenced the way I view life's decisions, taken adventures hand and hand with me, and she has given me hugs and kisses when times are tuff. I often ask myself, "what would Madeline be doing right at this very moment"? As I sit there and ponder such a question, I am motivated to live life to the fullest. What an example she was to me; always full of life, energy, love and smiles. Her testimony holds a special place in my heart. I begin each morning in prayer asking that she may walk with me through my day. I am instantly reminded of her endless love for our Savior and her unquestioning faith in Him. I strive to have the perfect knowledge that she did. It amazes me at just how much Madeline is a part of me today. In fact, I would be so lost without her constant guidance and companionship in my life. As hard as coping with a best friend's death, her absence as been a blessing in disguise. She has given me a form of life through the passing of hers. Through her example, I am reminded that life is a blessing. Time is also a blessing given unto us. Each day, is a new day granted unto us for learning, exploring and loving. How grateful I am to know that Madeline lives within my heart. Her spirit is often one with mine. Even though I have never felt so empty without her, I marvel at how close we have become during the last five years. She fills my heart and always will. I long for the day I will get to run into her arms and tell her how much I love her and thank her for all she has given me. Madeline will forever have a profound influence on every aspect of my life. I love her dearly. Happy Valentine's Day Madeline!

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